David Byrne’s coming to Kingston

Via Hudson Valley One

Photo by Jody Rogac

​Written by John Burdick

David Byrne performance would require no billing or promo at all if the cat were not so damned restless and various in his pursuits. The updates and reinventions are endless. An influential if not era-defining bandleader and songwriter, filmmaker, author and novelist, social critic, multimedia performance artist and eternal hipster who stays hip by feeding on the fresh blood of young hipster admirers, Byrne just doesn’t stop expanding. The exciting proposition now is that his current tour features a 12-piece band: the antithesis of an easy paycheck for this legend among legends.

David Byrne performs at the Ulster Performing Arts Center in Kingston on Saturday, March 10. Tickets cost…I’m sorry, this show is already sold out, but we thought you should know about it anyway. For more information, visit www.bardavon.org.

February Radio David Byrne Radio Presents: Senegal

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