By Todomundo
Here’s a genre that has emerged in the last 20 years or so- and continues to gather steam. Fractured rhythm, stuttering vocals, beats that sound like something (or someone) falling down stairs. “Computer” sounds, sliced and diced. Languages. Textures. Artificiality. Brief and to the point.
But what does it mean? What does it say about us, about the state of things, that this kind of music has happened? It’s absurd, humorous, unsentimental. In this music we are the machines, but the machines are broken. More than ever gadgets and the web are extensions of ourselves- we penetrate them and they penetrate us...like some sick Cronenberg movie...and here is a musical expression of what that feels like.
-David Byrne
Photo Credit: Photography & art direction Eliška Sky and model Liza Molnár
By Todomundo